Blackfork Realty

Focusing on the acquisition, disposition, and management of Ohio-Based Assets.

We Move Mountains.

For Ohio business and Property Owners

Learn How We Can Get You A written Offer on Your Business That Is Fair and Fast In The Next 7 Days.

So You Can Receive Funds and Plan for Your Exit or Next Opportunity.

Tap Play And Watch The Full Video Above

Ranchwood Apartments – Acquired

Sunnyhill Apartments – Acquired

West Cook Apartments – Acquired

Appleseed Apartments – Acquired

Otterbein Apartments – Acquired

Legends Building – Acquired

Baldwin Bartley Parker – Acquired

Benton Duplexes – Acquired

Wood Street Apartments – Acquired

Sunnyhill Apartments – Acquired

6 Acre Planned Development – Acquired

30 Acre Planned Development – Acquired

54 Acre Planned Development – Acquired

Townhome Project – Developed

Brushwood Development

Multi-Unit Residential – Acquired

Commercial Warehousing – Acquired

Residential Development – Acquired

Townhome Triplex – Developed

Appleseed Apartments – Acquired

Legends – Acquired 

Otterbein Apartments – Acquired

Multi-Unit Residential Development

Wood Street Apartments – Acquired

What Other Industry Titans Are Saying...

923k+ followers
“I could talk to Ravi forever. This guy knows his stuff. Whatever he is selling, buy it.”
Ryan Pineda
CEO, Wealthy Way
983k+ followers
“Ravi crushes it for us, and we love being his clients. If you want to learn marketing, follow him.”
Jeremy Miner
CEO, 7th Level
6.7M+ followers
“I’ve never taken this many notes in my life. It’s obvious you know exactly what you’re talking about. I love your content!”
Ali Abdaal
CEO, Ali Abdaal, New York Times Best Seller
1M+ followers
“We launched our company after attending one of Ravi’s masterminds. We just did exactly what he said. He is the man to listen to when scaling your business.”
Karlton Dennis
CEO, Tax Alchemy
923k+ followers
“I could talk to Ravi forever. This guy knows his stuff. Whatever he is selling, buy it.”
Ryan Pineda
CEO, Wealthy Way
983k+ followers
“Ravi crushes it for us, and we love being his clients. If you want to learn marketing, follow him.”
Jeremy Miner
CEO, 7th Level
6.7M+ followers
“I’ve never taken this many notes in my life. It’s obvious you know exactly what you’re talking about. I love your content!”
Ali Abdaal
CEO, Ali Abdaal, New York Times Best Seller
1M+ followers
“We launched our company after attending one of Ravi’s masterminds. We just did exactly what he said. He is the man to listen to when scaling your business.”
Karlton Dennis
CEO, Tax Alchemy
How We Helped This Health Coach Go From Being Bottlenecked With Fulfillment At $100k To Having Scalable Systems To Go Past $1M In Revenue
“I get to do something I love, which is build a business, but also something that’s really fulfilling and serving the world.” – Miguel Bautista
How We Helped This Coach Finally Break The $30k/Month Ceiling And Bring In $120k/Month In 90 Days
“The experience has been a 10 out of 10. It has been the best experience in terms of coaching that I’ve ever had and is the best thing I’ve ever spent money on. The team is spectacular and I don’t feel that I have to work with Ravi directly because they’re that damn good.” – Erik Klima
How We Helped This Content Agency Pack Their Sales Calendar For 8 Weeks Straight
“Having someone like you who brings structure to my space has been a blessing. The structure, the systems, the KPIs, that part has been a game changer.” – Diana Castro
“Having someone like you who brings structure to my space has been a blessing. The structure, the systems, the KPIs, that part has been a game changer.” – Diana Castro
“The mindset of scaling has shifted a lot. Now that I know I can scale to a million dollars, the question I ask myself is how fast do I want to go, what do I want my life to look like with this and how do I want to do that.” – Meagan Fay



“*All testimonials on this page are from real clients or properties. The results you see on this page are not typical. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results. Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.”


How We Helped This Sobriety Coach Enroll 46 High-Ticket Clients In 30 Days
“You have helped us have such a significant impact on other people’s lives. It’s not just about revenue, it’s about a family back together, a marriage repaired, a generation of life changed.“ – Ruari Fairbairns
How We Helped This Car Detailing Agency 3X Their Business In 6 Months Without Adding To Their Workload
“Beforehand I had to do everything manually, I didn’t want to onboard more people just because the onboarding process used to take me days, and now it’s done in 2 minutes.“ – Hunter Zarzycki

How We Helped This Funding Company Grow To $640k In 3 Months

“You guys share the same funnels, the same methods, you practice everything you’re preaching and you share those things with us so we don’t have to go out and test with our own money.“ – Colin Dedely

How This Day Trading Coach Grew From Inconsistent $5k/mo To $45k/mo In 120 Days

“Now I go into a sales call with way more confidence knowing that I have a more reliable way of giving my clients results in a streamlined fashion.To me it’s a no-brainer, I made my investment back within two weeks after joining the program, I’ve 10x my business.“ – Helbert Ruiz

How We Helped This B2B Sales Coach Scale To $100,000/Month With 84% Margins In Just 2 Months

“Just received my 2-comma club award. Took longer than I wanted at just 15 months but just figured I’d share. Thanks for everything Ravi as I could not have done it without you.“ – Marcus Chan

How We Helped This Consultant Hit $500,000/Month At 80% Profit Margin After 4 Failed Businesses

“I generated $570,000 cash in the first 24 days of the month (off of only $2,500 ad spend). this would not be possible without Ravi’s support.” – Richard Yu

How We Helped This Fitness Coach Build A Cash Machine That Generates a 9.6X Return on Ad Spend

“I was spending $6,000 to $10,000/month on an agency and getting little to nothing in return. This strategy we implemented with Scaling With Systems is working insanely well.” – Zakk Colburn

How We Helped This Business Mentor Go $60,000/Month To $300,000/Month In Just 6 Months
ailed Businesses

“I literally see the path to $1,000,000+/month, it’s weird I thought this would be hard, but you showed me it can be so much simpler.” – Sameem Rouhanifard

How We Helped Launch Conversionly From $0 To A 7-Figure Business

“It was through the Initiative that we were able to hit the 7-figure mark in a brand new company and build out a massive team filled with ‘A’ players.” – Zach Williams

How We Helped This Marketing Agency Grow To $84,000/Month In Just 4-Months

“I decided to work with Scaling With Systems to make less stupid decisions. I had a lot of blind spots. Running those decision-making paths through you guys was phenomenal.” – Tomas Morkunas

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Blackfork Realty is a sales and marketing education and training company. We do not sell a business opportunity, “get rich quick” program or money-making system. We believe, with education, individuals can be better prepared to make investment decisions, but we do not guarantee success in our training. We do not make earnings claims, efforts claims, or claims that our training will make you any money. All material is intellectual property and protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction, or distribution is strictly prohibited. Please see our Full Disclosure for important details.
Investing of any kind carries risk and it is possible to lose some or all of your money. The training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all situations. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical investment will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner. 
Statements and depictions are the opinions, findings, or experiences of individuals who generally have purchased education and training. Results vary, are not typical, and rely on individual effort, time, and skill, as well as unknown conditions and other factors. We do not measure earnings or financial performance. Instead, we track completed transactions and satisfaction of services by voluntary surveys. You should not, however, equate reported sales transactions with financially successful transactions. Further, many customers do not continue with the program, do not apply what they learn, or do attempt to apply what they learn but nonetheless have difficulty in making sales successful for them.
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Blackfork Realty, 2121 Biscayne Blvd #1836 Miami, FL 33137